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There are five main methods to detect the surface defects of square tubes: one is eddy current testing. Eddy current testing has many forms, such as conventional eddy current testing, far-field eddy current testing, multi-frequency eddy current testing and pulse eddy current testing. Using eddy current sensors to induce metal, different types and shapes of defects on square tubes surface will produce different types of signals. It has the advantages of high detection accuracy, high detection sensitivity, fast detection speed, can detect the surface and sub-surface of the pipe to be tested, and is not affected by the impurities such as oil contamination on the surface of the square pipe to be tested. The disadvantage is that it is easy to judge the non-defective structure as a defect, the false detection rate is high, and the detection resolution is not easy to adjust. 二超声波检测
Two-Ultrasound Detection

When ultrasound enters an object and encounters a defect, a part of the acoustic wave will produce reflection. The transmitter and receiver can analyze the reflected wave, and the defect can be detected abnormally and accurately. Ultrasound detection is often used for forging detection, which has high detection sensitivity, but it is not easy to inspect the pipe with complex shape. It requires that the surface of the inspected square pipe should have a certain degree of smoothness, and the coupling agent should be used to fill the gap between the probe and the inspected surface.

Detection by three magnetic powder method

The principle of magnetic particle method is to realize magnetic field in square tube material. According to the interaction between leakage magnetic field at defect and magnetic particle, when there is discontinuity or defect on surface or near surface, the magnetic line at discontinuity or defect will distort locally to produce magnetic pole. Its advantages are less investment in equipment, high reliability and intuition. The disadvantage is that the operation cost is high, the defect can not be accurately classified, and the detection speed is low.

Four Infrared Detection

Through high frequency induction coil, induction current is generated on the surface of square tube. Induction current will cause more electric energy to be consumed in defect area, causing local temperature to rise. The defect depth can be determined by infrared detection of local temperature. Infrared detection is generally used for flattening surface defect detection, not suitable for detecting surface irregularity metal.

Five magnetic flux leakage detection

The magnetic flux leakage testing method of square tube is very similar to that of magnetic powder testing method, and its application scope, sensitivity and reliability are stronger than that of magnetic powder testing method.

